Environmental Policy


We at TERRA want to go beyond what is required from us in our relationship with the environment. Protecting our environment is not just our slogan. We want to ensure that our environmental practices are as high standard as our products and customer services.

We aim to be leaders in the electric motorbike revolution that provides eco-friendly commuting. It is, therefore, our duty to take proactive action towards protecting the environment. E-bikes are a step closer towards a more eco-friendly mode of transport. E-bikes emit almost no greenhouse gases and consequently reduce our carbon footprint in addition to that of our customers.  

Our goals 

Environmental protection for TERRA starts with the life cycle of our products and services. Therefore we intend to:

  • Ensure that our business activities respect environmental legislation. 
  • Identify and implement wherever possible the best practices to protect the environment.
  • Monitor environmental practices wherever possible.
  • Comply with legal obligations, practices, and requirements applicable to our activities.
  • Reduce waste to landfills, use environmentally safe products and abide by storage and containment practices wherever practical. 
  • Openly communicate our environmental commitment to our staff, customers, and to all interested parties. 

Engaging our staff

We believe in an environmentally aware workspace and culture, through actively engaging our employees and providing them with the necessary tools to protect our environment, by:

  • Reducing the energy and resources used by regularly evaluating current and future energy use to identify potential firm-wide reductions
  • Preventing pollution and adapting a more eco-friendly way of protecting biodiversity.


This environmental policy and the responsibilities associated with it have been accepted by the staff of TERRA and whenever possible they shall abide by them. For further information please contact us at info@driveterra.com